Geographical and geomagnetic positions of the EISCAT facilities

The geographic positions are generally based on a satellite survey from 1981 and agreed with the positions used inside EROS. The Tromsø geographic position comes from a later GPS measurement while the Longyearbyen latitude and longitude come from a recent measurement with a hand held GPS.

The geomagnetic values are calculated for 1 January, 1984 using the IRGF1980 model.

                                Tromsø       Kiruna       Sodankylä     Longyearbyen

Geographic Latitude (deg) 69.5847 67.86066 67.36369 78.153 (rad) 1.21448 1.184392 1.175718 Longitude (deg) 19.2194 20.43522 26.62707 16.029 (rad) 0.33544 0.356662 0.464730 Altitude (m) 86.28 417.62 197.03 438 Geomagnetic 66.107 64.279 63.424 Corr.geom.long. 103.366 102.846 107.249 Invariant Latitude ground (deg) 66.260 64.448 63.568 75.18 (rad) 1.156 1.125 1.109 300km (deg) 66.795 65.028 64.149 (rad) 1.166 1.135 1.120 Dip angle ground (deg) 77.616 76.793 76.717 82.06 (rad) 1.355 1.340 1.339 300km (deg) 77.588 76.721 76.631 (rad) 1.354 1.339 1.337 Declination ground (deg) 3.376 3.958 7.440 (rad) 0.059 0.069 0.130 300km (deg) 1.596 2.261 5.406 (rad) 0.028 0.039 0.094 L-shell value ground 6.170 5.375 5.047 300km 6.441 5.611 5.260 B-field (N) ground 0.113 0.120 0.120 300km 0.100 0.107 0.107 B-field (E) ground 0.007 0.008 0.016 300km 0.003 0.004 0.010 B-filed (down) ground 0.515 0.511 0.514 300km 0.456 0.452 0.454 B-fiels (abs) ground 0.528 0.525 0.528 300km 0.467 0.464 0.466

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